Monologues From A Homosexual Hazard: An Episodic Play


Writing this play was very important to me for so many reasons.

Not only was it hard for me to find a monologue by a gay man that wasn't from Andre's Mother by Terrence McNally. But it was even more difficult to find a monologue or Gay character that I could relate to. A character that wasn't the butt of all jokes etc. 

Then after a failed audition left me questioning whether I, a flamboyant soft speaking male from the Bronx, was suitable to be an actor; I decided to sit down with my own thoughts and write about topics that Hollywood or certain tv shows written by Heterosexual people, would shy away from.

Thus how Monologues From A Homosexual Hazard: The Episodic Play was born! 

The play has six characters: Saint, Marco, Jayson, Frankie, Johnny and Harley. Each character tells a story about topics like: rejection, dating, stereotypes in the media of Gay men, domestic violence, suicide awareness, friends, love, body acceptance and pride. I took inspiration of course from The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler when it came to the format of the play.

This story is 100% free to read for kindle, ebooks and pdf files. 

I wanted to make sure my fellow actors can have options whenever they're looking for monologues or dialogues with Gay characters that have substance and meaning.

You can get the book on Amazon or here!

I was able to produce the play in 2019 and you can watch them below:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Happy Pride!

If you would love to perform these monologues please email me:

© 2021 Edwin Betancourt Jr.
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